

In the alleyways and campos
You call for me.
The drizzle dances softly on cobbles
streams of steam rise
curling between the
lovers replete with Lavazza
and Bardolino
with closed sly eyes
they listen to the music and sway.

In their endless dreams they
live their lives in seamless
dreamy films of love and betrayal.

I am a watcher – a streetwalker

a lurker who watches all life

I am a seeker in the dark,

a player of the night.

I jump softly down.
The drizzle soaks my coat.
With swiftness I run
past the drunks
with their empty bottles.
I slink past the shadows
in doorways where
I hear the promised lies
mix with groans of pleasure
I see them all.

electric eyes glowing -
feel them watching

I hear her call my name
I’m gone, I’m home, I’m tired.
I’m loved.
I am cat.

copyright: Diana Leighton 2014