About Me - Diana Leighton

My wonderful ladyshed

Hi Everyone
                 I started writing poetry many years ago as a form of therapy while I was nursing my Mother with her Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma cancer and then shortly after she had died I discovered my husband also had a terminal cancer. I looked after him for 17 years.
                I have now been published in three books and am working on a third book of my own poetry. I recently won a National Poetry Competition so will also have some work published in the prize winning anthology which will be placed in the British Library.

             My poetry covers many subjects but my first love is nature. I like to write about nature and the Somerset Levels and the early morning mists in Autumn when the starlings are here. But then I also like to write about the human condition. Poetry seems to be the best vehicle for this sometimes doesn't it?

I am also very interested in Mental Health and a lot of my poems cover different areas of this subject.
I hope you enjoy my site if you think it needs anything else please make suggestions. Please leave comments as I would love to hear what you think about my writing.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Diana,
    You've created a great site here. I'm going to try and do the same at 'The Writing Shed'. If you've any tips that would be great.
    Love to you and Jon.
