Ghost Word

Ghost Word
And as imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown, the poet's pen turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothings a local habitation and a name.
- William Shakespeare from A Midsummer Night's Dream

I see you every night when I am writing.
 At 10pm
     you stand
        under the sodium light,
           opposite my window.
               I cannot know you as
                  you are diabolical, dark
                    and mysterious.
I see you look at my face
        in the window.
          I am deaf and
              your mouth moves,
                  but I cannot see what you say.
                      A fedora hides your mouth.
                           The Trench coat
                                  hides your soul.
A puff of smoke from your cigar
           twirls up like
               a wraith, and
                  it's scent enfolds me.
                      It says you are Lucifer.
                            You are in my brain, my imagination.
                                  You are my obsession.
  But, I  have no fear  as
       I  know you are an error,
           a misrepresentation.
             You are a ghost word.
                You don't exist.
Diana Leighton May 2011

1   Ghost Word  -  is a non-existent word entered into the second edition of Webster's New International Dictionary by mistake.

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